UKインディーポップバンド The Old Pink House、新曲 'JADED'を公開

The Old Pink House
Alex Robson

イングランド/ニューカッスル出身のインディーロックバンド The Old Pink Houseが、5/2にリリースしたニューシングル 'JADED'を公開!

The Old Pink Houseは Max Middleton, Harry Smith, James Grant, Christopher Brownによる4人組で、これまでに Manic Street Preachers, Anteros, The Amazonsのサポートを務めてます。また、デビューEPを近日リリース予定とのこと。

“Jaded is about how things we go through wear us down. I’m naturally a pessimistic person and the lyrics are shot through with that sense of cynicism, but at the same time I’m always trying to peel away at it traps us in a vicious cycle where we become more and more numb to everything around us. With the way everything in the world is going now, it’s the last thing anyone needs.” - Christopher Brown

Live Dates

05/05 - Live at Leeds, Leeds
06/05 - Hit the North, Newcastle
09/06 - Evolution Emerging, Newcastle
18/08 – The Cluny, Newcastle

The Old Pink House