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イングランド/ヘブデンブリッジ出身のインディーロックバンド The Lounge Societyが、11/23にSpeedy Wundergroundからリリースしたニューシングル 'Burn The Heather'のMVを公開!
ディレクターは Nick Farrimond。
レーベル共同主宰で楽曲のプロデューサーを務めた Dan Carey曰く、前回のシングル 'Generation Game'の7インチが今までで一番売れたそうで、リプレスを出したのはBlack Midi以来とのこと。期待に結果で応える全員10代のスーパールーキーです。
“Burn the Heather is a song deeply rooted in where we come from. The lyrics are our interpretation of some of the darker aspects of where we live, and our personal reaction to them. Musically, Burn the Heather is intended to be an adrenaline shot to the brain. We wanted this to be the second single all along. We don’t want to be just another post-punk band, and we knew Heather would keep people on their toes. Unlike a lot of our tracks, the guitars are quite minimal and the rhythm really carries it, and we think it works really well. We want to make people move.”
April 3 - Fair Play Festival, Manchester
April 30 - Newcastle University SU, (supp. The Orielles)
May 1st - Stag & Dagger, Edinburgh, UK
May 12 - The Windmill, London, UK
May 15 - Tom Thumb Theatre, Margate
May 16 - Heartbreakers, Southampton
May 17 - Hare & Hounds 2, Birmingham (supp. bdrmm)
May 19 - Crofters Rights, Bristol
May 20 - Sidney & Matilda, Sheffield
May 21 - Castle Hotel, Manchester
May 22 - A Slow Education Festival @The Crescent, York
July 2 - The Trades Club, Hebden Bridge