UKインディーロックバンド The Golden Age of TV、'Dust'のMVを公開

The Golden Age of TV
Andrew Benge

イングランド/リーズ出身のインディーロックバンド The Golden Age of TVが、4月にリリースしたシングル 'Dust'のMVを公開!

プロデューサーは Lee Smith (The Cribs, Pulled Apart By Horses)、Jamie Lockhart (Post War Glamour Girls, The Tailors)。

“Dust is about someone who is sabotaging the good memories from the past relationship. It’s very sarcastic in tone, as it’s such an upbeat song, yet the lyrics are from the perspective of someone battling to hang on to the happier times. Each of us can relate to how frustrating that can feel, so the song means a lot to us.” - Ryan Bird

The Golden Age of TV