ノースカロライナ州サクサパハウ拠点のオルタナティヴポップバンド The Collectionが、1/19にNettwerk Music Groupからリリースしたニューシングル 'Spark of Hope'を公開!
10年以上におよぶ自主レーベルのみのDIYなリリースと活発なツアーで着実にファンをつけていったバンドで、これまでに The Oh Hellos, RIPE, Tall Heights, Sammy Rae & The Friendsらと共演してます。
“I started to analyze how I feel about life, as someone who is often optimistic about projects, but not about my own mental state or health or future, and realized I don’t feel like someone who drowns in hope, but I’m not void of it either. I always try to at least carry a little spark of it, just enough to see in the darkness, and hope it’s enough to get me through,” “I wrote this song while we were in the studio, after almost a year of trying to write it and failing. It came together in a half hour and we recorded it the next day, with the lights low, during a thunderstorm.” - David Wimbish