
ロンドンの絶好調ロックバンド The Big Moonが新曲 'Cupid'を公開

The Big Moon


UKロンドン出身のロックバンド The Big Moonが、5/13リリースのニューシングル 'Cupid'を公開!

ミックスは、FoalsやWolf Aliceを手がけたCatherine Marksが担当。


“We thought we’d give our friends the opportunity of a lifetime and let them hurl things at us while we tried to unflinchingly play the song. We spent the day having paint and flour and glitter and playing cards and plants and plastic forks and teddy bears and sponges thrown at us. I think it was quite a cathartic experience for everyone involved.”

Cupid [7 inch Analog]
The Big Moon