Steve Buscemi's Dreamy Eyes、デビューEP『Four Waters』を11/24にリリース

Steve Buscemis Dreamy Eyes
Alexander Tillheden


スウェーデン/ストックホルム出身のインディーポップバンド Steve Buscemi's Dreamy Eyesが、11/24にRama LamaからリリースするEP『Four Waters』より、先行シングル 'Swim Deep'を公開!


"Swim Deep is about wanting to hide from your mistakes and all the embarrassing things you’ve done. It’s about wanting to disappear and not having to deal with life. But then realizing that you eventually have to face it all and stand for what you've said and done. There will always be people who do it better than you, but that doesn't matter because you will find your way and your people."

Four Waters
Steve Buscemi's Dreamy Eyes
Rama Lama