ベッドルーム・ポップアクト Stephen Becker、'Slurpee'のMVを公開

Stephen Becker

Trees Take Ease名義で活動していたブルックリン拠点のアーティスト Stephen Beckerが、10/30にNNA TapesからリリースするEP『Nothing Sun Under the New』より、'Slurpee'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Santi Slade。


“I like to be freeform and fictional in my music, but my feeling is that within that abstraction lies a deeper truth, something more real than just the plain facts about me,” “It’s a wash of sounds and lyrics, but the picture that it paints is ultimately more true and sincere than anything else.”


Nothing Sun Under the New
Stephen Becker
NNA Tapes