イングランド/エクセター拠点のオルタナティヴロックバンド Soot Sprite、ロンドン拠点のバンド Mutteringが、8/20にSpecialist Subjectからリリースしたコラボレーションシングル 'Burn The Leaves'を公開!
9/6発売のEP『For Joy』収録曲。
“I was reading ‘a month in the country’ which is a short story that portrays one man’s summer in a new town. He looks back at this time with such fondness but is accepting that it could never last. We all have certain anchor points that you look back on. Memories that hold significance and in difficult times often hope to rekindle. The thought of what could have been. ‘If I’d stayed would I always have been happy’… Recognising who we are and the experiences that made us is why we tell stories. Knowing that we can live with change and grow from it. Accepting the moment is now.” - Chaz Bush (Muttering)