
オルタナロックバンド Silverbacks、'Drool'を公開

Silverbacks 2

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アイルランド/ダブリン拠点のオルタナティヴロックバンド Silverbacksが、1/31にNice Swan Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Drool'を公開!

Silverbacksは、Daniel O’Kelly, Kilian O’Kelly, Peadar Kearney, Emma Hanlon, Gary Wickhamの5人組で、楽曲のプロデュースは同郷の Daniel Fox (Girl Band)が務めてます。Sports Team, Pip Blom, FURといった人気バンド達を輩出したNice Swanから出してるというのもポイントですね。



"Drool tells the story of a good family man who unfortunately suffers from poor health and his resulting demons. The lyrics voice the man's concern about whether or not his medication is making him feel better or worse. 'Can't you see, it does exactly what is says on the box' is a line that can apply to almost anything, the amount of trust we put into our systems and that they're there for our own good. Empty bottles, empty stomachs and wedding fights paint a worrisome picture but the outro concludes that the song's hero will continue to try his best." - Kilian O’Kelly


Live Dates

14/01 Old Blue Last, London, UK DIY Magazine Hello 2020
16/01 Groningen, Netherlands Eurosonic Festival
18/04 Rotterdam, Netherlands Motel Mozambique
02/05 Portsmouth, UK Psyched Fest
03/05 Liverpool, UK Sound City
03/05 Newcastle, UK Hit The North
12/05 Sheffield, UK Café Totem
13/05 Manchester, UK YES
14/05 London, UK The Victoria
15/05 Brighton, UK The Great Escape
16/05 Bristol, UK The Crofters Rights
18/05 Stoke on Trent, UK The Sugarmill
19/05 St Albans, UK The Horn
20/05 Birmingham, UK Hare & Hounds
21/05 Glasgow, UK The Hug and Pint
22/05 Belfast, Northern Ireland Voodoo
23/05 Dublin, Ireland The Grand Social

Nice Swan