Santans、'Sunset Figaro'のMVを公開

Moritz Heinrich

ドイツ/ミュンヘン拠点のビデオグラファー・ミュージシャン Chris Scott Phamによる名義 Santansが、9/27にSun King Musicからリリースしたニューシングル 'Sunset Figaro'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Chris Scott Pham。

楽曲のプロデュースは Fabian Pichler (SEDA, Alex the Judge)。



“Hair is a powerful symbol in different cultures and contexts. This splendor is constantly growing, it is a part of us, but it also carries with it the history of our past experiences and emotions. Cutting off our hair is not only an external act, but also an internal one. It is an attempt to leave behind old connections and sometimes the pain associated with them; in the knowledge that life goes on and new challenges will arise.”
