Sam Vano、'Selfhelpingmehelpmyself'を公開

Sam Vano

オランダ/アムステルダム拠点のフォークポップアーティスト Sam Vanoが、2/28にリリースしたニューシングル 'Selfhelpingmehelpmyself'を公開!

2023年にデビューEP『solitaire』を発表し、これまでに Tim Knol, the Dawn Brothers, Victoria Canalのオープニングアクトを務めてます。




“Selfhelpingmehelpmyself is the title track from my debut album, a song that summarizes the whole record, and myself in a way. It was written during a period where I felt very lost and disconnected from the world. I obsessively tried all sorts of self-help to feel better, and once I realized that it wasn’t working, I wrote this song.”
