オーストラリア/パース拠点のインディーフォークアーティスト Riley Pearceが、3/7にNettwerkからリリースしたニューシングル 'Like A River'のリリックビデオを公開!
2016年のデビューEP『Outside the Lines』から昨年のアルバム『It’s Your Turn Now』まで、一貫して人気のあるシンガーソングライターです。
“There's a strong element of burnout that's crept into my life lately, some parts I can avoid, other's that come with the territory of how the music industry is seemingly set up now. A big chunk of it comes as a result of my own songwriting, I am always so deeply personal with what I write about, exploring all aspects of my life and my relationship to the world at large – it took a toll and this song arrived at a time when everything felt like the exhaustion was winning. The song is meant to feel somewhat uncomfortable at times – the pulsing bass, the pedal steel swells, it's the feeling that your heart is beating out of your chest, and the panic is setting in.”