ウィスコンシン州ミルウォーキー拠点のオルタナティヴポップデュオ REYNAが、8/16にBlue Lola Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Mexico'のMVを公開!
REYNAはメキシコ系アメリカ人の姉妹 Vic Banuelos, Gabby Banuelosの2人組。
Drew Pearson (Kesha, Lights), Siimon Oscroft (The Aces), John Feldman, Derek Furhmannとのコラボレーションを行い、2022年にデビューEP『you could at least say goodbye』を発表。
昨年のEP以来の新曲で、共同プロデュースに Michael Kamerman (Smallpools)が参加。
“"Mexico" tells the story of returning to a place filled with memories of a past relationship. For me, that was a town in Mexico,” “Monterrey, Mexico is my favorite city in the world. I became my true self in that city while attending college there to study and play soccer. I met my favorite people who are now my lifetime friends. When I broke up with my ex I thought that my feelings for the city would change as well, like maybe I ruined this little oasis I could escape to. I guess I was a little scared to go back and not have her around. At first, everywhere I looked reminded me of her. But as I returned with my new partner and created new memories with her, those feelings evaporated. Mexico continues to be my happy place and no one has the power to ruin that for me. So 'Mexico’, or whatever that 'place' might be for you, becomes a metaphor for healing and the journey of moving on from heartbreak.” - Vic