quickly, quickly、'Enything'のMVを公開

quickly, quickly

オレゴン州ポートランド拠点のミュージシャン Graham Jonsonによる名義 quickly, quicklyが、1/22にGhostly Internationalからリリースしたニューシングル 'Enything'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Graham Jonson。

4/18発売のニューアルバム『I Heard That Noise』収録曲。



“I wrote this song from a fictional place of dumb love. There is a place you can find yourself in where you are so infatuated with a person you would do anything to impress them, even to a fault, drastically changing yourself to match the idea of someone you barely know. That is what I tried to embody on this one.”



I Heard That Noise
quickly quickly
Ghostly International