Public Practice、'Disposable'を公開

Public Practice

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ニューヨーク/ブルックリン拠点のバンド Public Practiceが、10/8にWharf Cat Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Disposable'を公開!

B面には Yukihiro Takahashi 'Extra-Ordinary'のカバーを収録。


“staring at a beach covered in tangled seaweed, the question began to form; as you watch a loved one get swept into a mad sea of a situation, how do you fight something seemingly so much bigger than yourself - for someone else? From here, 'Disposable' began to take shape. This was our first song we completed in our Brooklyn studio where we are recording our debut LP,”


Live Dates

Nov 14 - The Dance - New York, NY