デンマーク出身のFrida Sofie Møl Kristensen, Sirid Oline Møl Kristensenによる姉妹デュオ PRISMAが、5/27にJunobirdからリリースしたニューシングル 'Drive'のMVを公開!
制作は Why Studio。
“We have tried to create a sound universe where you as a listener get the feeling of driving fast,” “The song provides a very concrete description of an exciting car ride, but we also want to make room for the listener's interpretation of the word ‘Drive’. It can be your personal drive, a work drive, etc. This song is a tribute to all the people who go out there in their everyday lives and chase their dreams; a tribute to the side roads; a tribute to the journey.” - Frida and Sirid Møl Kristensen