イングランド/リヴァプール拠点のバンド Clean Cut Kidのメンバーでソングライター Evelyn Hallsによるソロプロジェクト Pet Snakeが、7/26にDance To The RadioからリリースしたEP『Hard』より、'Trust Issues'を公開!
追記:'Trust Issues (Easy Version)'が公開されました。
“it’s a reflection on the last ten years with a magnifying glass on the last three. Topics of resilience and growth alongside loss and life. A hard EP to make with some hard personal truths to unpack and articulate.”
“It’s about masking your true self in certain situations and seeing someone else doing that and realising that that brings you closer and makes you allies, whilst at the same time creating a chasm. It’s complex, but it’s ok, coz it’s “just us”.”