イングランド/リヴァプール拠点のバンド Clean Cut Kidのメンバーでソングライター Evelyn Hallsによるソロプロジェクト Pet Snakeが、4/10にDance To The Radioからリリースしたニューシングル 'Crashing'のMVを公開!
ディレクターは CJ Pandit, Emily Lomas。
先月は Bill Ryder JonesのUK/EUツアーに参加し、10月には Twisterella Festivalの出演が決まった今勢いのあるアクト。
もちろん Clean Cut Kidの知名度と比べたらまだまだこれからだけど、出す曲全部良いから年内にはその肩書きを書く必要がなくなる気がしますね。
“I entered the covid pandemic an extrovert and exited an introvert. I was suddenly overwhelmed in crowds, unable to make the most basic of small talk, second guessing my body language and crying in the middle of the supermarket because of decision paralysis. I’d never experienced social anxiety until then and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was questioning every belief I’d ever held, struggling with my personal relationships and I crashed at the end of each day in a heap from overthinking. I really had to work through a lot to get back to “me” and writing this song was the start of that journey. For some of the production, I was really feeling some icons from my teens for this one (Blink 182, New Found Glory, Mayday Parade) alongside more current faves (The Beths, Pinegrove).”