
ロンドンの技巧派バンド Peluché、デビューEP『Utopia Village』を11/25にリリース

Hugh Rees

イングランド/ロンドンを拠点に活動する Amy, Rhapsody, Sophieによる3人組 Peluchéが、11/25にデビューEP『Utopia Village』をリリース!

リリースは、Wedding, Tangerines, Velvet Morningなど、フレッシュな才能を輩出する RIPより。



“We are very proud of this EP. It’s our first collection of songs, which we have written and self-produced. The first half represents feelings of commitment and attachment; the way that people can feel connected in positive and negative polarities. The second half is about taking a chance and breaking free. We were fueled by papaya and pumpkin seeds during the recording process, we woke up early and went to bed early”