カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルス拠点のインディーポップアーティスト Party Nailsが、9/13にEye Knee Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Same Old Song'のリリックビデオを公開!
Party Nailsはニューヨーク出身のシンガーソングライター・プロデューサー・エンジニア Elana Belle Carrollによるソロプロジェクト。
Deap Vallyなどに楽曲提供、LŪN, Urban Heat, Battle Tapesなどにボーカル提供をしたほか、レコーディングスタジオ Top Coatを運営しており、そこで他のアーティストのレコーディング、プロデュース、ミックスを行っています。
'Same Old Song'は来年発売予定のニューアルバム『Pillow Talk』収録曲で、Holly Miranda, Amb. Parsleyが共同設立した Eye Knee Recordsからリリースされます。
“For a while, I called this 'Through The Trees', because that image of looking through the trees for my childhood self was the impetus for writing the song. I could feel the feeling I was trying to write down the whole time, and the only way to stop living in the feeling was to write it down, accurately. This was a period of lockdown where my psyche was interacting with my idea of “home” a lot. As I chipped away at what was then called 'Through The Trees', it became clearer and clearer that I was talking to my younger self. I wasn’t angry with her, or sad with her, or warning her of anything. I was just documenting our co-existence. I had the lines “I’ve been drinking, I’ve been thinking, I’ve been crying, I’ve been dreaming, I’ve been fiending, I’m so tired” in a songwriting notebook for a long time, waiting for a home. They were the perfect post-chorus. Anna Crane plays drums on it, which really elevates the energy for me.”
Party Nails