リーズのロックバンド Party Hardly、'Rats In The Kitchen'を公開

Party Hardly
Donald Braddock

イングランド/リーズ出身のインディーロックバンド Party Hardlyが、7/26にHealthy Eating RecordsからリリースするEP『Modern Strife Is Snobbish』より、'Rats In The Kitchen'を公開!

Party Hardlyは Tom Barr, Lachlan Banner, Matt Pownall, Stanley Braddockの4人組。これまでにThe Magic GangHoney Moonほか、ナイスなバンドと多数共演してきてます。

'Have We Got Time'の頃のひねりの効いたギターポップも良かったですが、今回の鋭い音をストイックに叩き込むスタイルも相当かっこいいですね。

“Rats In The Kitchen is a metaphor for the demonization of young people by the older generation. Throughout history these views have seldom changed, with the irony being that our grandparents would have viewed our parents in exactly the same light. Also, we had rats in our kitchen this one time” - Tom Barr

Live Dates

27th July – Hyde Park Book Club, Leeds

Modern Strife Is Snobbish
Party Hardly
Healthy Eating