インディーポップバンド Papooz、'The Garden'のMVを公開


フランス/パリ拠点の Armand Penicaut, Ulysse Cottinによるデュオ Papoozが、7/8にHalf Awake Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'The Garden'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Victoria Lafaurie。


“It was just after confinement began, so everything was closed. We asked the local farmer to make a few ‘pommes d’amour’ (apples dipped in red caramel) and we bought fishing lines and drapes for the band. Victoria shot it on an old DV camera she had - we used backlights, tricks and zooms” - Ulysse Cottin


The Garden
Half Awake