ミネソタ州ミネアポリス拠点のオルタナティヴポップアーティスト papa mbyeが、12/6にAGAINST GIANTSからリリースしたニューシングル 'COMMON SENSE'のMVを公開!
制作は papa mbye, Sawyer Brice, Braden Lee。
夏の素晴らしいEP『PARCELLES 16』以来となる新曲で、共同作曲・共同プロデュースは Zakariya Khan。
“COMMON SENSE explores the unraveling of a phrase often used to define simplicity, turning it into a reflective journey. The song pokes fun at the idea of common sense as a fleeting, almost mythical quality, tied to naivete and unfiltered perceptions of life. Through an evocative soundscape, this record delves into the tension between youthful clarity and the nuanced complexities of adulthood, inviting listeners to question the very framework through which they see the world.”