
ロンドンのソロアーティスト Nilüfer Yanya、新曲 'Baby Luv'を公開

Nilufer Yanya
Ronan Mckenzie

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芸術活動を通して難民支援を行う慈善団体 Artists In Transitを Molly Danielと共に運営する、ロンドン出身のソロアーティスト Nilüfer Yanyaが、9/27にリリースしたニューシングル 'Baby Luv'を公開!


"I'm still working out what this song means exactly. There's a lot of questioning going on , I keep asking myself the same question- but it has a different meaning each time I ask it and which I still don't have an answer for."

Live Dates

7 October | Neighbourhood Festival, Manchester
12 October | Garajistanbul, Turkey
16 October | Omeara, London
17 October | Louisiana, Bristol
18 October | Hope & Ruin, Brighton

3 November | Iceland Airwaves
14 November | Mercury Lounge, New York
16 November | Masonic Lodge @ Hollywood Forever Cemetery, Los Angeles

Baby Luv
Nilüfer Yanya
Blue Flowers