Niall Summerton、'Playing Dumb'のMVを公開

Niall Summerton

イングランド/ハロゲート出身のシンガーソングライター・マルチインストゥルメンタリスト Niall Summertonが、9/7にTiny Library Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Playing Dumb'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Joel Johnston。


Joel Johnston (Far Caspian)が共同制作で参加し、来春には彼のレーベル Tiny Libraryからデビューアルバム『What Am I Made Of?』をリリース予定です。


“A song about coming to terms with loss and the grieving process of a relationship that I’d forgotten from a different period of my life. About how you re-evaluate your actions retrospectively and hiding guilt from yourself is easier than coming to terms with your actions. This song was recorded using my dad’s old classical guitar that I found in the loft and went through an old, shitty reel-to-reel from the 70s. Hopefully, the recording process helped the guitar mimic some of the sounds of my heroes from the same era.”


Playing Dumb
Niall Summerton
Tiny Library