
Natty Reeves、'Why Are You?'を公開

Natty Reeves

イングランド/ブライトン拠点のマルチインストゥルメンタリスト・プロデューサー・ソングライター Natty Reevesが、7/10にDeepMatter Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Why Are You?'を公開!

9/25発売のEP『Mist Over Water』収録曲で、フルートに Ruta Sipola (Lucy Rose)が参加。

ここ数年はインストヒップホップ名義 Astairéとしての活動が目立ってた彼の久しぶりのEP。


Ben Watt, James Taylorなどの作曲と、João Gilberto, Antonio Carlos Jobim, Luiz Bonfáのハーモニーとリズムに影響を受けたとのこと。そんなの最高じゃん。


“I've always wanted to make a song featuring the flute, and Ruta interpreted the song so beautifully, releasing a breath of fresh air into the track, a sense of weightlessness.” “I wanted to make a project that felt honest to who I am, something that represented my thoughts at this stage of my life. Recently I've been thinking about second chances, new growth and how fleeting life is coming back to the sounds and rhythms I love, not trying too hard to make something that people would find impressive, this is a bit more introspective and forgiving of myself. I just hope that listeners enjoy the sounds and find some peace of their own in these songs!”



Natty Reeves - Mist Over Water


Why Are You
Natty Reeves