Nathan Turner、'Change'のMVを公開

Nathan Turner

カナダ/バンクーバー拠点のギタリスト・シンガーソングライター Nathan Turnerが、8/25にリリースしたニューシングル 'Change'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Micah Henry。

'Change'は9/29発売のニューアルバム『Quiet and the Kelp』収録曲。



“This song was written and recorded one average morning after sharing gratitude and coffee with my partner. The recording you hear is the first full take I did with keys and vocals. I believe there is a certain feeling having been recorded at the moment of inception. I did most of the overdubs that morning with the exception of the drums. The lyrics are intended to ground our own bloom and decay with the natural world and enjoy your partner like a beautiful sunset or blooming flower, growing, changing, and becoming.”



Nathan Turner