フォークポップバンド Mr Ben and the Bens、'The Gravedigger's Dance'のMVを公開

Mr Ben and the Bens
Abi Plowman

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イングランド/ランカスター出身のBen Hall率いるインディーポップバンド Mr Ben and the Bensが、10/11にBingo Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'The Gravedigger's Dance'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Tom Diffenthal。


“The song is a pivotal moment in the record's narrative where the protagonist Jenny comes across the local gravedigger who claims to have been abducted by aliens. We wanted to reference that side to the story in the film but indirectly, so I created this character 'The Beast' who sort of acts as the caretaker of graveyards long after the human race has disappeared.”


The Gravedigger's Dance
Mr Ben & the Bens