フォークポップバンド Mr Ben and the Bens、『Life Drawing』をリリース

Mr Ben and the Bens

イングランド/ランカスター出身のインディーポップバンド Mr Ben and the Bensが、7/10にBella Unionからリリースするニューアルバム『Life Drawing』より、先行シングル 'Watering Can'を公開!


“Watering can is a gently-swaying brassy ode to small town life. I took up gardening recently as our band obtained an allotment and I loved the image of a watering can becoming a metaphor for good intentions. Lyrically the track deals with the themes of lost love, claustrophobia and aspirational dreams that somehow never seem to be realised. The song is the finale of the new album and I wanted it to be that very specific combination of uplifting melancholy.” - Ben Hall


収録曲 'Beast in the House'のMVはこちら。



Life Drawing
Mr Ben & the Bens
Bella Union