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ソングライター Maddy Myersとギタリスト Gustav Moltkeによるデュオ Moon Pandaが、4/16にFierce Panda Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Visions'のMVを公開!
ディレクターは George Godwin。
“This song is kind of a form of self-comfort,” “It started with that hypnotic, repeating guitar line which turned into a bit of a lullaby. It starts in a pretty vulnerable place and then slowly takes off into something more lush and resilient. I think, “Keep yourself from going down, focus on the rhythm,” sums it up pretty well.”
Tues 26 Oct | The Prince Albert, Brghton
Wed 27 Oct | The Horn, St.Albans
Thurs 28 Oct | The Lexington, London
Thurs 4 Nov | The Boileroom, Guildford