Moon Blue、'Sotto La Luna'を公開

Moon Blue


イタリア/ローマ拠点のサイケデリックポップアーティスト Moon Blueが、4/12にFactory Flawsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Sotto La Luna'を公開!

Moon Blueはイングランド出身のマルチインストゥルメンタリスト George Appletonによるソロプロジェクト。

コロナ禍のロックダウン中に活動を始め、セルフリリースしたデビューシングル 'Beneath the Moon'はタイのレーベル Rats Recordsからのサポートを受け、昨年発表のデビューEP『The Moonlight Disco』は Boy Pabloによる 777 MUSICと Factory Flawsの共同リリース。



“This was the first song that I wanted to sing, at least in part, in italian. I was listening to a lot of Prophet (Funk artist from San Francisco) that my friend introduced me to. I was really inspired by the way he shapes his songs, and the feeling that runs through it that feels sparse but not empty. The introduction to the track, played on the keyboard is unintentionally very similar to the a moment in the soundtrack for ‘Twin Peaks’, and I wanted to keep it there as an ode to the show. Lyrically, the song is really a love song written for my partner, who provides all the artwork and photography for the project. My mind frame at the time was not one that was conducive to writing something melancholy, and so I wrote something that I perceive as fun, instead. The choice to sing in part in Italian is simple, I love the language, and I love Italy. As my italian continues to improve, I will start to write more in the beautiful language.”



Sotto la luna
Moon Blue
Factory Flaws