
Metal Bubble Trio、'Universal Themes'を公開

Metal Bubble Trio
TØMES / Tommy Greene

ミシガン州拠点のインディーポップバンド Metal Bubble Trioが、9/10にリリースしたニューシングル 'Universal Themes'を公開!

Metal Bubble Trioは、数々の大ヒット曲を生み出したグラミー賞受賞バンド FUN.のメンバーでソングライター Andrew Dostによるバンド。


'Universal Themes'は来年発売予定のデビューアルバム収録曲。

2010年代前半を彩ったスタジアムバンド FUN.の続編として多くのリスナーに愛されそうな良い曲で、個人的にはその前に所属していたシカゴの大所帯バンド Anathalloに近い印象を受けました。『Floating World』ってアルバムが名作なので気になった人はぜひ。


“It’s an egg that we cracked, and we can’t put it back. This song follows the album’s overall theme of disintegration and decay, and you can’t put an egg back together, as Humpty Dumpty will tell you. However - you can make a cake out of it, and you can still eat said cake even if it turns out poorly (see verse 2). There are universal themes that we all deal with that are pretty broad, but I tried to narrow it down to some very specific details. I often have a hard time being direct with lyrics, so this has some veiled references before the end, where I chronicle what my personal universe was and how it expanded throughout the day from the shower, to the street, to the rest of the world, and then back inward to my neighborhood walks and regrets about the recipes I’ll never get to make with someone, and how the whole universe was almost an afterthought to the time spent together; the universe was you and me. Also it really hurts when your dog passes away.”



Universal Themes
Metal Bubble Trio feat. Woman Believer