カナダ/バンクーバー拠点のオルタナティヴポップバンド Melttが、1/20にNettwerkからリリースしたニューシングル 'Blossoms'を公開!
もっとたくさん曲を出してる気がしてたけど、意外と前回記事にした'It Could Grow Anywhere'以来の新曲なんですね。今回もお見事です。
“’Blossoms’ is about making an effort to see the beauty in nature and experiencing the ‘real’ it has to offer. It shows us an escape from manufactured environments that we are constantly immersed in and accustomed to. The track also provides a feeling of connection with your past, or a general human past. With an appreciation for the natural world, ‘Blossoms’ tries to convey a feeling of the ‘glow’ you might have when having these experiences outdoors,”