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イングランド/ロンドン拠点のアーティスト Meggie Brownが、6/30にリリースしたEP『Journey Of Goodbye』からタイトル曲のMVを公開!
ディレクターは Tessa Von Erlach, Arthur Williams。
Edwyn Collins所有スタジオで録音+Alex Kapranos (Franz Ferdinand)プロデュースのシングル、という字面だけでも強い初期作で現れたニューカマー。昨年末にThe Guardianの‘Artists for 2020’の1人に選ばれ、今夏にはGossipのメンバーが主宰するNotown Soundsから同EPのフィジカルリリースを控えてます。
Journey Of Goodbye was the song we ended on when the EP got written last year. A very different time. I almost don’t connect with any of it now. However, it feels like a goodbye to a lot of things, in a lot of ways. Last year was a time of being quite silly in a bedroom not really caring what came of it as long as we were having some fun. Almost mindless in that way.
Journey of Goodbye felt different when it was written. Not that it wasn’t fun but it was emotional. My mate from Deep Tan's psychic told me this isn’t the way for me and I now understand it’s something I’ve known in my gut and it got confirmed. So guess I’ll share more when it’s time.
17.10.20 – Nunfest – LONDON
18.10.20 – Hit the North Festival - NEWCASTLE
Meggie Brown