インディーロック・アクト Mav Karlo、'Wirewalker'のMVを公開

Mav Karlo

カナダ/トロント拠点のシンガーソングライター Menno Versteegによるプロジェクト Mav Karloが、10/16にRoyal Mountain Recordsからリリースしたデビューアルバム『Strangers Like Us』より、'Wirewalker'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Martin MacPherson。

Anyway Gang, Holleradoのメンバーで、Royal Mountain Records主宰のソロ作品。プロデューサーは Chris Coady (Amen Dunes, Beach House, Future Islands)。


“Relationships are hard. We all know that. Sometimes, when a person you are close to is experiencing pain, it’s a battle they must fight on their own and there is nothing you can say or do to help them win it. Still, it can be excruciating to watch from a distance. It takes a certain kind of bravery to give them the space they need and have faith that they will come out the other side.”


Strangers Like Us
Mav Karlo
Royal Mountain