Mary Middlefield、'Bite Me'を公開

Mary Middlefield

スイス拠点のシンガーソングライター・コンポーザー Mary Middlefieldが、2/26にリリースしたニューシングル 'Bite Me'のビジュアライザーを公開!

ディレクターは Imogen Harrison。

ローザンヌにあるスタジオ A.K.A Studioでレコーディングを行ない、共同プロデュースに Gwen Buord, Arnaud Paolini, Alexis Sudanが参加。


“I remember going into a session and whipping this up in just one night. It all started with that chord progression and the first line of the song. I love starting with confrontation. I had been reflecting a lot on what making music means to me—how badly I want to be liked and wanted by the people I play for, the people I chase daily, sending them my music—and that connected to so many aspects of my personal life. Whether it’s a job, your partner, or a family member you’re struggling with, I think this song is something a lot of people can relate to.”



Bite me
Mary Middlefield