Margo Scout、'Otters'を公開

Margo Scout


テキサス州オースティン拠点のインディーロックアーティスト Margo Scoutが、7/12にDaeJob Musicからリリースしたデビューシングル 'Otters'を公開!

Margo Scoutはミュージシャン・ソングライター Rachel Pierronによるソロプロジェクト。



“My friend was going through a horrendous, tumultuous relationship with a drug abuser at the time,” “He would call her sobbing constantly, no matter where she was, and threaten horrible things if she didn’t come immediately to help him.” “I was experiencing a similar kind of intense relationship with someone at the time. I felt responsible for them, and horrible every time they were in an emergency… I just couldn’t bear that weight for them, so I wrote this song.”



Margo Scout
DaeJob Music