ジョージア州アトランタ拠点のオルタナティヴロックバンド Mamalarkyが、8/2にFire Talkからリリースしたニューシングル『Meadow / Moss』より、'Meadow'のMVを公開!
ディレクターは Ashley Kron。
秋から Slow Pulp, PACKS, Womboのサポートツアーが始まるお気に入りのバンド。ユルくて人懐っこいように聴こえて複雑に絡み合うアンサンブルがとても良い。
“Monotony is an illusion, or at least it’s a very tired way to look at things.” “Nature always has something new to offer when we slow down enough to absorb it - isolation made me appreciate and deepen this relationship significantly. I realized I’m never actually alone when I’m out under some trees. Moss offers more of a coming to terms that the surrounding landscape could be my anchor and company for the time whereas Meadow is a spark of excitement at finding a less traveled path on my daily route that opened out onto a beautiful stream with singing frogs. I wrote both these songs outdoors which I had never tried before. I still go to these spots often and they hold me up!” - Livvy Bennett
10.21 - Washington, DC @ Pie Shop
10.22 - Boston, MA @ Lilypad Innman
10.23 - Brooklyn, NY @ Baby's All Right w/ PACKS & Wombo
10.24 - Philadelphia, PA @ Original 13
10.25 - Richmond, VA @ The Camel
10.26 - Nashville, TN @ DRKMTTR
10.28 - Atlanta, GA @ 529
11.09 - Denver, CO @ Globe Hall*
11.10 - SLC, UT @ Kilby Court*
11.12 - Seattle, WA @ Barboza*
11.13 - Vancouver, BC @ Biltmore*
11.14 - Portland, OR @ Mississippi Studios*
11.16 - San Francisco, CA @ Bottom of the Hill*
11.18 - Los Angeles, CA @ The Echo*
11.19 - San Diego, CA @ Soda Bar*
11.20 - Phoenix, AZ @ Valley Bar*
11.22 - Austin, TX @ The Parish*
11.23 - Dallas, TX @ Ruins*
* = W/ Slow Pulp