イングランド/エセックス拠点のインディーロックバンド Low Lying Sunが、11/4にLAB Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Heaven Knows'を公開!
Low Lying Sunは Michael Hemmings, Ross Connell, Matt Chan, Noah Boothの4人組。4月に発表したデビューEP『Hymn To Say Goodbye』で注目を集め、これまでに The Natives, Peach Fuzz, Low Hummer, Daytime TVなどと共演。
“Heaven Knows is about a question, a hypothetical. The song is epitomised with the line ‘Why did it end in love?’. It’s about running the scenario through in your head as to whether or not you should fully let something in when it rears its head again. You can either engage with it or not and both of those options are hard to take. If you just felt hate or anything less than love, then the decision would be easy but instead you are left with this dilemma”