Low Girl、'Pockets'のMVを公開

Low Girl

イングランド出身のインディーポップバンド Low Girlが、8/18にリリースしたニューシングル 'Pockets'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Mark Sloper, Toby Morgan, Sarah Cosgrove。

Low Girlはマルチインストゥルメンタリスト Sarah Cosgroveを中心に結成したバンドで、Toby Morgan, Tom Cosgrove, Bradley Taylorを含む4人組。

1月にリリースしたEP『Uh-Oh』が評判のバンド。ベッドルーム寄りの CHVRCHES, Metronomy辺りに近いサウンドで、少し陰りのあるメロディが魅力的です。


“Pockets is about trying to repress something that constantly resurfaces. It’s all about the allure of the ‘what-if’ and it’s a rose-tinted way of viewing those possibilities. My life was all over the place when I wrote this track, and there was a real sense of anticipation and being on the edge of something. I’m grappling with trying to figure out who this person I’ve bloomed into is, all the while trying to find some tangible light to look to. There’s an element of deluding yourself into believing in an impossible dream. I imagine this warm, settled imagery of the afternoon and how I feel like I never quite reach it. My way of coping with all of those issues has been to write something where I kind of trivialise and try and laugh about it. Is that healthy? Who knows!”



Live Dates

2nd Sep: Darlington - Last Train Home Festival
28th Sep: Portsmouth – The Wedgewood Rooms
30th Sep: Luton – Castlefest Festival
1st Sep: Cambridge – The Blue Moon
4th Oct: London - Paper Dress Vintage
12th Oct: Manchester – Beyond The Music Festival
13th Oct: Birmingham - The Victoria
14th Oct: Bristol – The Lanes