
Lip Filler、デビュー曲 'Cool'を公開

Lip Filler
Maya Lutz


イングランド/ロンドン拠点のオルタナティヴロックバンド Lip Fillerが、9/20にリリースしたデビューシングル 'Cool'を公開!

Lip Fillerは George Tucker, Verity Hughes, Jude Scholefield, Theodore Pasmore, Nate Wicksの5人組。

今回が初のリリースですが、すでに Saigon Fury (HMTLD)のサイドプロジェクト XVOTOや Pit Pony, Gene Pool, July Talkらと共演してきた要注目のニューカマーです。

楽曲のプロデューサーは St Francis Hotel (Little Simz, Greentea Peng, Michael Kiwanuka)。



“It's a song about caring too much about yourself and your image. I suppose it’s about trying to claim validation from other people around you. It’s about types of people we generally encounter on nights out since moving to London. But there’s also contrasting sections of the song, such as the chorus, which focuses more on the vulnerabilities of these people. It looks at the weird transitional stage of young adulthood where you’re not secure enough in your own identity.” - George Tucker


Live Dates

11 November, The Amersham Arms - London

Lip Filler