
オルタナ・フォークアクト la loye、'I’m Still Asleep'を公開

la loye
Nikki van de Poel

オランダ出身のソングライター・アーティスト Lieke Heusinkveldによるソロプロジェクト la loyeが、12/2にリリースしたデビューシングル 'I’m Still Asleep'を公開!

Adrianne Lenker, Angel Olsen, Julia Jacklinが好きな人にぜひチェックしてほしいニューカマー。



“As a teen I was always searching for any sort of buzz: going out, roaming the city with friends, that sort of thing. Even though I seemed to enjoy most of it, there would always be this underlying sense of sorrow. It could really catch me off guard as I didn’t really understand where it came from or what to do with it. I think the song is a reflection on this particular time where I was just trying to figure that stuff out”