
Caribou, Machinedrumにヒント!豪エレクトロニックデュオ Klloが新曲 'Bolide'を公開


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オーストラリア/メルボルン出身の Chloe KaulとSimon Lamによるデュオ(いとこだそうです) Klloが、4/18リリースのニューシングル 'Bolide'を公開!

8月発売予定のEP Well Worn は、世界規模ーGhostly International (North America), Different Recordings / PIAS (UK/Europe/Japan), Good Manners Records (AU/NZ/ROW)でリリースとのこと。

'Bolide' is the dance track of the Well Worn EP. It was written in Simon’s bungalow, inspired by Caribou’s last album and the early work of Machinedrum. The lyrics behind 'Bolide' are about unconditional love - caring about the happiness of another person without any thought of what we might get for ourselves. The ones we love can have a tendency to react to things unfairly and blow situations way out of proportion, but we love them just the same.'
ー Kllo
