

Katie Allen

イングランド/ブライトン拠点のポストパンクバンド KEGが、10/22にAlcopop! RecordsからリリースするデビューEP『Assembly』より、先行シングル 'Presidential Walk'を公開!

KEGは Albert Haddenham, Joel Whitaker, Will Wiffen, Frank Lindsay, Jules Gibbons, Charlie Keen, Johnny Pykeの7人組。EPはセルフプロデュースで、Sean Oakley (Show Me The Body, Sorry, Scalping, Kae Tempest)がミックスを担当してます。

7月に出したデビュー曲 'Heyshaw'にぶっ飛ぼされて以降今一番ハマってるバンドです。





“It's an ode to Wikipedia and a French president’s annual cerebral walk. Whilst reading about some palaeolithic cave paintings in the south of France, our dearest friend Wikipedia took us to a page about Francois Mitterands excursions around the area in an attempt to clear his head. I've never been able to find the same page so maybe I dreamt this. The track has been through a few versions, gradually speeding up each time until it reached the rabbit speed you will hear. Stand up to enjoy, serve with a large glass of burgundy.” - Albert Haddenham


Live Dates

8 September, Brighton - Concorde 2 (supporting Squid) SOLD OUT
17 September, Brighton - Green Door Store (supporting Bull)
18 September, Portsmouth - Psyched Fest
14/15 October, Rotterdam - Left Of The Dial Festival
6 November, Brighton - Mutations Festival
