オルタナ・ポップアクト JWestern、デビュー曲 'Call You Right Now'を公開

Aubrey Simpson

イングランド/リーズ拠点のシンガーソングライター JWesternが、8/19にHeist Or Hit Recordsからリリースしたニューシングル 'Call You Right Now'を公開!

Easy Life, Yellow Days, Still Woozy辺りが好きな方にぜひチェックして欲しいニューカマー。ジャジーでR&Bの影響が見え隠れする絶妙なライン。その才能をばっちりキャッチするHeist Or Hitの臭覚も相変わらずすごいですよね。


“At the time of writing the track I was going through quite a bad patch in a relationship that I knew my heart wasn’t fully in, but I didn’t know how to express how I was feeling, so lyrically the song really became my outlet. I remember lying in bed and pretty much writing all the lyrics in one night, with the chords going round and round in my head; it felt like everything had been building up in my mind for so long that it all just needed to be let out. 

It’s me trying to come to terms with the insecurities and indecisiveness I felt within the relationship and whether the decisions I was making were the right ones. I wasn’t sure what I fully wanted but I knew I needed to give myself time and space away from everything and anything.”


Call You Right Now
Heist Or Hit