インディーポップ・アクト Just Super、デビュー曲 'Not Me!'を公開

Just Super


ロサンゼルスを拠点に活動するプロデューサー・ソングライター Geo Botelhoによる名義 Just Superが、1/14にリリースしたデビューシングル 'Not Me!'を公開!

エンジニアやベーシストとしても活動しており、これまでに Phoebe Bridgers, MUNA, Eric Nam, Zoe Weesなどの制作に携わり、バンド Good Termsのメンバーでもあります。



“Not Me! is the soundtrack to my own little movie of immunity and imperviousness of which I am the main character. I had every intention of this song outlining how victimized I had felt in a previous relationship, the first line I wrote was the chorus; “That shit only happens to other people.” When I sat down to write the verse after hearing the chorus so many times, the only thing I could write down was “boo hoo wah wah wah so sad for you”. Not ME! quickly turned into a way for me to gain some perspective on my life and to honor the person that I am now, one who has grown from hardships, learned gratitude, and can do his best to acknowledge his privilege. Ultimately, this is a story of an oblivious clown who lives with an impunity to worldly problems. But that’s just my opinion...”