フィンランド/ヘルシンキ拠点のシンガーソングライター Juppeが、3/10にSolitiからリリースしたデビューシングル 'Fade'を公開!
演奏で参加したのは Nestori Majoinen, Iiro Sivula, Saku Kaukiainen, Aapo Soulanto, Leevi Haapanen, Joonas Nurmela, Hp Siikasaari。
“Fade found its form during the pandemic when me and a lot of my friends were freshly unemployed. Some ended long term relationships and were sleeping on various couches around town during the lockdown. It’s very hard to get a place to rent here in Helsinki if you don’t have good credit. It’s very easy to fade away.”