Jordan Nash、'Nightmares'のMVを公開

Jordan Nash
Gabby Drew

イングランド/ロンドン拠点のパフォーマー・プロデューサー Jordan Nashが、8/25にA Day One・Island Recordsからリリースしたデビューシングル 'Nightmares'のMVを公開!

ディレクターは Relta。


“‘Nightmares’ is that “where's the party going next?” feeling. Realising the shots are gonna keep coming and you just have to ride it out. Some of the best people around you end up being strangers you will probably never meet again- but for that moment it's the only trip to take. It's stumbling through the night, shades on, whiskey in a cola bottle… the last train home.” - Jordan Nash


Jordan Nash
A Day One / Island