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サウスイーストロンドン出身のソングライター・ビジュアルアーティスト Jerkcurbが、9/13にHandsome Dad Recordsからリリースするデビューアルバム『Air Con Eden』より、先行シングル 'Air Con Eden'を公開!
共同プロデューサーは Tom Carmichael (Kendrick Lamar, Fat White Family)。
“Air Con Eden, an abbreviation of Air Conditioned Eden. The album is named after this phrase. It refers to the early Victor Gruen shopping malls built in America in the mid 20th century. The first malls were nature conservations, literal edens with exotic plants and rare birds. The gift shops, were of equal or less importance to the nature. The logical evolution of consumerism, was the carpark, which resulted in the shift into becoming the shopping malls we know today. But the concept of the climate controlled environment is still relevant, and it really interests me, the idea that technology is at war with the natural world, this constant balance. An old concept that is eternally relevant. At the time I was working in retail and I wrote this song for myself to justify my existence being there.”
11 Oct | Rough Trade, Bristol
13 Oct | YES, Manchester
14 Oct | Headrow House, Leeds
15 Oct | Hug and Pint, Glasgow
17 Oct | Chats Palace, London