インディーロックバンド Jango Flash、'My Mercedes'のMVを公開

Jango Flash
Adam Thirtle

イングランド/ニューカッスル拠点のインディーロックバンド Jango Flashが、7/28にリリースしたニューシングル 'My Mercedes'のMVを公開!

制作は Yakamoz Film。

Jango Flashは Jack Angus Golightly, Ed Smith, Adam Dixon, Sam Frame, Alex Mittonの5人組。じわじわと注目を集めるニューカマーです。


“‘My Mercedes' was written as a dialogue between two best friends at bad places in their lives. My mum was a single mother travelling the world with my brother and working three jobs. Along the road she ended up in an oppressive relationship prior to meeting my dad, yet fortunately found the strength to kick back, protect my brother and get herself out of it. It was my mum’s friend that gave her the nickname “Mercedes” because she found elegance and strength in the way she carried herself through life. Whenever she writes to my mum she always starts with, “Dear my Mercedes”. So I opened the song like a letter, and finished the rest in a night.

This pandemic has ramped up the tension in people's lives to breaking point. Domestic abuse figures skyrocketed, and I ended up hearing horror stories from friends of mine. This is close to home and something that I wanted to discuss, because no one should have to live with abuse and should always have support to find strength and speak out.” - Jack Angus Golightly


Live Dates

7th Aug - Anarchy Brewery, Newcastle
27th Aug - 13th Note, Glasgow
1st Sept - Sneaky Pete’s, Edinburgh
2nd Sept - Victoria Vaults, York
4th Sept - The Cluny, Newcastle
25th Sept - Gathering Sounds Festival, Stockton Arts Centre
13th Oct - EBGB’s, Liverpool
19th Oct - Lending Room, Leeds
20th Oct - The Fulford Arms, York